Bootstrap repo with bazel

Useful commands: Generate deps.bzl (which contains all the go_repository) bazel run //:gazelle — update-repos -from_file=go.mod -to_macro=deps.bzl%go_dependencies -build_file_proto_mode=disable Automatically create build files bazel run //:gazelle update — -repo_root . Need following comment in WORKSPACE file so external go_repositories (in deps.bzl) are visible: gazelle:go_visibility public

Terminal scroll up issue

When you scroll up in your terminal (in an ssh session), you don’t see your session’s output but rather, old output, e.g. you can only see output as far back as your terminal’s window height. Run: tput rmcup

iPhone Bypass MDM (ios 14)

Essentially this: Make sure block iphone from accessing internet initially (eero’s app can help) Use 3utools “Erase all data”. Also make sure to activate the phone on iPhone, click through and give it wifi (which can’t connect from step 1 above. alternatively, you could tell it to not use wifi…but in my case it […]

RetroPie Setup Woes

Original setup was fine and everything worked. Then ran into some issues: No Sound (was testing with snes) 2. No Sound in specific emulators (megadrive/gameboy/nintendo, snes worked per step 1) Delete retroarch.cfg from each emulator under /opt/retropie/configs/<emulator>/ <–it’ll regenerate 3. Backspace doesn’t work as hotkey any more Removing the exit_emulator_btn from /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg 4. 2 Player […]

Jenkins setup with github

Go to github, upper right dropdown -> settings -> developer settings -> personal access tokens. make a new token, which you use as your “password” in jenkins. In jenkins, “manage jenkins” -> (scroll down) manage credentials. Create “username with password”. For username use your github username. Password is token above.

No donation for xmrig (monero mining)

Prebuilt xmrig requires 1% donation. To get rid of this: git clone xmrig’s repo. Change src/donation.h to: constexpr const int kDefaultDonateLevel = 0;constexpr const int kMinimumDonateLevel = 0; Now need to build it. Follow instructions here: But customs stuff I did: Create folder c:\xmrig-deps Download the most recent version of prebuilt dependencies  by using the green Code button and Download […]

Open terminal with custom profile, create link and add to dock (mac)

This is useful in case you often use mac terminal with different (color) profiles, e.g. one for ssh to another machine, one for local. with normal Terminal on mac, choose profile, mess with colors or what not. In menu: Shell -> Export Settings. This saves a .terminal file for you to execute Since mac’s dock […]