No donation for xmrig (monero mining)

Prebuilt xmrig requires 1% donation. To get rid of this:

git clone xmrig’s repo. Change src/donation.h to:

constexpr const int kDefaultDonateLevel = 0;
constexpr const int kMinimumDonateLevel = 0;

Now need to build it. Follow instructions here:

But customs stuff I did:

  1. Create folder c:\xmrig-deps
  2. Download the most recent version of prebuilt dependencies  by using the green Code button and Download ZIP

Get cmake, unzip it.

Get msys2. Then run it (c:\msys64\mingw64.exe). You get a prompt.


1. pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc git make

2. git clone

3. mkdir xmrig/build && cd xmrig/build

4. cmake/bin/cmake.exe .. -G “Unix Makefiles” -DXMRIG_DEPS=/j/crypto/monero/git/xmrig-deps/gcc/x64

5. make -j$(nproc)

Then just copy pre-built xmrig-cuda’s xmrig-cuda.dll (downloaded from github) over. Or better yet, copy the xmrig.exe you compiled over to the prebuilt xmrig-cuda folder, replacing the xmrig.exe there.