Enable personal hotspot between two iphones

personal hotspot, aka instant hotspot (e.g. turn on hotspot on the connecting phone that doesn’t have cellular data), can be enabled if both iphones are logged into icloud.  if it doesn’t work, simply relogin from the connecting phone.

Facebook access token shenanigans

Using facebook access tokens to make app that can post to your pages automatically. Create a facebook app In settings of said app (via “mange apps” on left hand side), click on the app, make sure it’s turned on/status is live. Optionally, add a dummy fb account as developer of your app, and have him […]

Ubuntu Rodete Setup

Workspace: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/applets/view/116   Terminal: Use Mate Terminal, since it supports background opacity (default one DOESN’T!)    

Bring up Amazon Product WordPress Blog with Facebook Page and AutoPost and Stuff

1. put the following in wp-blog-header.php to suppress warnings rendered on page ini_set(‘error_reporting’, E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED); 2. google anlytics 3. google ads, e.g. create channels, ad units, and put in wks.php.  Update theme’s php files (e.g. sidebar.php, single.php, page.php, index.php) 4. google webmaster 5. install plugins: iframe, og, Amazon Product In […]

gnubby issues

asks to unplug replug and that doesn’t work: sudo apt-get remove gnome-keyring

Web security

I participated in a work event regarding web security, where I had to hack 5 seemingly innocuous websites to learn about web vulnerabilities.  By hack, I mean just execute alert().  In case I get amnesia, here’re some notes.   1. simple javascript injection. There was an input textbox, where I had to simply put in: […]