Monthly Archives: August 2012

grub rescue

When in grub rescue, you only got insmod, ls, set, unset (I think). Thus, you must insmod the required modules in order to be able to do anything substantial. do: set root=<whatever> set prefix=<whatever>/boot/grub where <whatever> is like (md0) or (hd2,1). the /boot/grub is by default where modules are, so that insmod will work. If […]

svn tunneling

subversion uses ssh. If ssh blocked from A to C, but A-> B and B->C is not blocked, setup tunneing:   1. on A: /etc/subversion/config in the [tunnel] section, add: ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -o ControlMaster=no <machine B’s hostname> ssh -o ControlMaster=no   2. on B: /etc/ssh/ssh_config HostbasedAuthentication yes EnableSSHKeysign yes   3. on C […]

A Musing on WordPress and Website Hacking

Introduction As an owner of a software and IT company, I love to solve technical problems. That’s why when recently sites I own and run, as well as my customers’ sites, were seemingly infected with malware (through no fault of mine or the company’s, more on this later), and having swiftly removed the said malware, […]